Taking the DVSA HGV Test
To pass the Large Goods Vehicle driving test a candidate must demonstrate
A high standard of competence in handling the vehicle.
be able to apply the rules of the Highway Code.
show that they have a full understanding of the principals involved in driving large goods vehicles
apply those principles and demonstrate proper control of the vehicle in a wide variety of situations.
In addition, because of the size and weight of their vehicle, the drivers of lorries must have a highly developed level of courtesy and consideration for other road users.
What is Involved in your LGV Driving TEST?
Your test will include:
Reverse manoeuvre (3a)
Vehicle safety questions (3b)
1 hour of practical road driving (3b)
Reverse Test (3a)
Your test may last up to 30 minutes, and includes:
an ‘S’ shaped reverse into a bay
showing the uncoupling and recoupling procedure if you’re taking a test with a trailer
Vehicle safety questions (3b)
During your test you’ll be asked at least 5 vehicle safety questions.
You must be able to answer general questions regarding the safety of your vehicle.
A list of general questions will be provided.
If these questions are answered unsatisfactorily or not at all the Examiner may mark it accordingly as either a fault or a fail.
Practical Road Driving Test (3b)
This test will last for 1 hour. During your practical road driving,
the examiner will see how you:
use the vehicle controls
move away at an angle, uphill and downhill
do a controlled stop
use the mirrors
give appropriate signals
show awareness and anticipation of other road users’ intentions
manage your progress and control your vehicle speed
deal with hazards
select a safe place to stop (this practice will be carried out on no less than 5 occasions)
Independent Driving
There will be 10 minutes of independent driving, designed to test your ability to drive safely while making independent decisions.
Test result
You’ll pass your test if you make:
12 or fewer driving faults
no serious or dangerous faults